Saturday, 3 September 2022

✍️ Not only....but also.

 ✍️ Not only....but also.

This co-ordinating conjunction is used to join two words, phrases, or sentences of the same class but different meaning. ( Not only....but also चा वापर एकाच जातीच्या पण भिन्न अर्थाच्या शब्दांना, शब्दसमूहांना किंवा वाक्यांना जोडण्यासाठी केला जातो.)

💁Structure - 

Not only + S + but also + S + V + O/C/A. 

For example - 

Not only Sachin but also Rahul played cricket.

💁Structure - 

S + not only + V +but also+ V + O/C/A.

For example -

They not only give but also take respect.

💁Structure - 

S + Vnot only + O + but also + O/C/A.

Raju writes not only a letter but also an essay in school.

 💁If the sentence has  words like - or, and, as well as, also, but only, both... and ,we have to remove them.(वाक्यात or, and, as well as, also, but only, both... and असे शब्द असतील तर काढून टाकावेत.)

💁 Sentences, having not only... but also, are the examples of compound Sentences (संयुक्त वाक्य).

✍️Electricity runs our trains and moves our machines.

Ans.- Electricity not only runs our trains but also moves our machines.

👍Find out more examples from other sources and solve them.👍 


💛🌹🌴Thank you🌴🌹💛

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