Tuesday, 12 May 2020

Use ➤ If and Unless.

💛💛Use➤ If and Unless💛💛

This type of examples are the examples of  ' Adverbial clause of condition'. ( वरील व्याकरणचा प्रकार हा जर , तर चे उपवाक्य आहे  Adverbial clause of condition) 

If = जर    and  , comma = तर ( condition)
Begin the sentence with  'If '. And  use  ,  in between 2 clauses.   ( वाक्याच्या सुरुवातीला  If  वापरावे. 2 वाक्ये स्वल्पविराम ने जोडावीत .)

Remove -  not, do not , does not, did not , must , otherwise, or  from the sentence.( If वापरताना वाक्यात अधोरेखित शब्द असल्यास ते काढून टाकावेत.)

If the sentence is positive use not in second sentence. ( not नसेल तर वापरा .)

Don't change the tense in the sentence. e.g. If you remove does not , add 's' /' es' suffix to the main 
verb which carries the tense.( वाक्यातील काळ बदलू नये. does not काढल्यास मुळ क्रियापदाला s / es प्रत्येय लावावा आणि did not -  क्रियापदाचे २ रे रूप वापरावे )

If the sentence begins with Don't , use If you  in place of it. and join the 2 clauses by using comma.( Don't ने सुरु असणाऱ्या वाकयातील  Don't काढून त्या जागी If you  वापरावे. २ वाक्ये स्वल्पविरामने जोडावीत )

In the sentences having Unless, use If........(H. V. +) not in place of unless .[ Unless = If.......not ] ( वाक्यात unless असेल तर त्या जागी If वापरावे आणि not असेल तर वापरू नये नसेल तर वापरावे.) 

For using Unless - Remove If  and use Unless in place , also remove not .If the sentence is positive use not in it. Don't use not ,if the sentence is negative. ( Unless वापरताना If जागी वापरा . आणि वाक्यात not असेल तर काढून टाका व not नसेल तर वापरा.)

Examples :- Use  'If '  and  'Unless' 

Don't come out otherwise you will be arrested.
If you come out , you will be arrested.
Unless you come out , you will not be arrested.
Don't go there unless you are sure.
→You don't go there, if you are not sure.
If you are not sure , you don't go there.

Unless you feel hungry , don't take a break.
If You do not feel hungry , don't take a break.

If you study hard ,you will not fail.
Unless you study hard , you will fail.

They might prove a danger, if you are not careful.
Unless you are careful they might prove a danger.

Be honest , all will like you .
Unless you are honest , all will not like you.

If you respect others , they will respect you.
Unless you respect others , they will not respect you.

👉Find out more examples from other sources and solve them. 👈

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(व्हिडिओ पाहण्यासाठी वरील निळ्या अक्षरांवर क्लिक करा)