💛 Add a Question Tag 💛
This structure is used for having the agreement on statement. More used in speaking than writing.
👉 For positive sentence negative tag is used.
👉 For negative sentence positive tag is used.
💁 Write the given sentence as it is.
( दिलेले वाक्य आहे तसे लिहा . )
💁 Give comma. ( नंतर स्वल्पविराम दया .)
💁 Find out the helping verb ( H.V.) from the sentence and write.
( सहाय्यकारी क्रियापद लिहा .)
💁 For positive sentence add n't ( i.e. not ) to H. V.
( होकारार्थी वाक्याचा Tag नकारार्थी करा )
💁 For negative sentence do not add n't ( i.e. not ) to H. V.
( नकारार्थी वाक्याचा Tag होकारार्थी करा )
💁 Then write pronoun according to the subject.
( कर्त्या नुसार सर्वनाम लिहा.)
💁 Give question mark ( ? ) at the end.
( शेवटी ? चिन्ह दया.)
💁 For Imperative / order use tag will you as subject is invisible You.
( आज्ञार्थी चा Tag - ,will you ? लिहा )
Examples :-
My father was a medical professional.
→ My father was a medical professional , wasn't he ?
I saw towards the roof.
→ I saw towards the roof , didn't I ?
Raju writes an essay.
→ Raju writes an essay , doesn't he ?
Corona is not dangerous.
→ Corona is not dangerous , is it ?
Open your books.
→ Open your books , will you ?
I am a good boy.
→ I am a good boy, aren't I ?
Let us call the teacher.
→Let us call the teacher , shall we ?
Let the teacher be here.
→Let the teacher be here , will you?
✍️Solve more examples .✍️
🙋Stay home , Stay safe .🙋
💛🌹Thank You .🌹💛
Nice Explanation .
Nice explanation
Hello...Mr.Patil Sir...
It's wonderfully arranged blog..
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All the best compliments.
Thank you, Sunil Pandit sir.
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