Saturday, 22 August 2020

Add a Question Tag

    💛 Add a Question Tag 💛

This structure is used for having the agreement on statement. More used in speaking than writing.

👉  For positive sentence  negative tag is used.

👉 For negative sentence  positive tag is used.

💁 Write the given sentence as it is.
       ( दिलेले वाक्य आहे तसे लिहा . ) 

💁 Give comma. ( नंतर स्वल्पविराम दया .)

💁 Find out the helping verb ( H.V.) from the sentence and write.
        ( सहाय्यकारी क्रियापद लिहा .)

💁 For positive sentence add n't ( i.e. not ) to  H. V
        ( होकारार्थी वाक्याचा Tag नकारार्थी करा )

💁 For negative sentence do not add  n't ( i.e. not ) to  H. V
         ( नकारार्थी वाक्याचा Tag होकारार्थी करा )

💁 Then write pronoun according to the subject. 
         ( कर्त्या नुसार सर्वनाम लिहा.) 

💁 Give question mark ( ? ) at the end. 
         ( शेवटी  ?  चिन्ह दया.)

💁 For Imperative / order use tag will you as subject is invisible You.
           ( आज्ञार्थी  चा Tag -  ,will you ?  लिहा ) 

Examples :- 

My father was a medical professional.
→ My father was a medical professional , wasn't he ?

I saw towards the roof.
→ I saw towards the roof , didn't I ?

Raju writes an essay.
→ Raju writes an essay , doesn't he ?

Corona is not dangerous. 
→  Corona is not dangerous , is it ?

Open your books.
→  Open your books , will you ?

I am a good boy.
→ I am a good boy, aren't I ?
Let us call the teacher.
→Let us call the teacher , shall we ?
Let the teacher be here.
→Let the teacher be here , will you?

Helping verbnottag
wasnot wasn't
were notweren't
have nothaven't
cannot can't
could notcouldn't
must not mustn't
might notmightn't

     ✍️Solve more examples .✍️

     🙋Stay home , Stay safe .🙋

        💛🌹Thank You .🌹💛


Unknown said...

Nice Explanation .

English Grammar -Teacher, Learners blog by D.V.Patil. said...


Unknown said...

Nice explanation

English Grammar -Teacher, Learners blog by D.V.Patil. said...


Sunil Pandit said...

Hello...Mr.Patil Sir...
It's wonderfully arranged blog..
The content chosen to elobrate in your style is praiseworthy..
All the best compliments.

Unknown said...


English Grammar -Teacher, Learners blog by D.V.Patil. said...

Thank you, Sunil Pandit sir.

English Grammar -Teacher, Learners blog by D.V.Patil. said...


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