Change the Voice.
There are 2 types of voices.
1) Active voice (A.V.).
2) Passive voice (P.V.) .
In A.V. the subject of the sentence is active.
In P.V. the subject of the sentence is passive.
A.V. -
S + ( H V ) V + O / C / A.
S + ( H V ) V + O / C / A.
P. V. -
O+(H V)To Be + V 3 + C/A + by +S.
S - Subject ( कर्ता ).
H - Helping ( सहाय्यक ) V - Verb ( क्रियापद ).
O - Object ( कर्म ).
H - Helping ( सहाय्यक ) V - Verb ( क्रियापद ).
O - Object ( कर्म ).
C - Complement ( पूरक शब्द )
A - Adjunct / Adverbials / Additional words.
To Be - be, am,is,are, was,were , being, been, ( To be's forms ) .
A - Adjunct / Adverbials / Additional words.
To Be - be, am,is,are, was,were , being, been, ( To be's forms ) .
A. V. → P. V. .
- To Find out O from A. V. ask question to sentence by What ? or Whom ? Write the answer in the beginning of P. V. वाक्याला What ? or Whom ? ने प्रश्न विचारा. मििळालेले उत्तर सुरुवातीला लिहा.
- Use H V accordingly ,if there in A. V . H V असतील तर P. V. तील कर्त्यां नुसार लिहा .
- To Be's forms must be used according to the form of the main verb in verb phrase. मूळ क्रियापदाच्या रुपावरुन To Be ची रूपे वापरावीत . ( e.g.- give - am,is,are. giving - being. )
- Then write V3 e. g. give - given . To Be नंतर मूळ क्रियापदाचे ३ रे रूप वापरावे .
- Write the remaining words of the sentence ( C/A ) . वाक्यातील शिल्लक शब्द लिहा .
- At last write by + S . S converts into O . शेवटी by लिहून S लिहावे ( S कर्मात बदलावे.) e.g. I - me . We - us. You - you . He - him . She - her . It - it . They - them. Ram - Ram.
- In passive , the verb is in To Be + V3 format .
I give him my pen.
[What do I give him ?
Ans.- my pen .( Direct object )
Ans.- my pen .( Direct object )
Whom do I give my pen?
Ans.- him. ( Indirect object)]
Ans. -
1. My pen is given to him by me .
1. My pen is given to him by me .
2. He is given my pen by me.
You have guessed the answer.
→ The answer has been guessed by you.
He was asking the questions.
→ The questions were being asked by him.
Margie wrote about it that night.
→ It was written about that night by Margie.
I know that he is rich.
→ That he is rich is known by me.
Imperative :-
A. V. - ( Don't ) V 1 + O/C/A.
P. V. - Let + O + (not)Be + V 3 + C/A.
Open your books now.
→ Let your books be opened now.
Don't shut the door today.
→ Let the door not be shut today.
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Good luck my dear friend
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Sir,I am very much thankful to you.
This activity helps our students to get more knowledge about grammar,and creat interest about our English subject.
Good job being done by IDEAL TEACHER.
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Very nice.
Thank you.
Verry nice sir
Thank you.
रोहन जाधव
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