Sunday, 17 February 2019

Frame - Wh. question

 🌿🌿Frame - Wh. question 🌿🌿

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List of words with Marathi meaning and expected answers into bracket.

 1 What  -  काय ? ( direct objects वस्तू ) .      
 2 Who  -  कोण ?   ( subject /person व्यक्ती )
 3 Whom  -  कोणाला ?  ( indirect object व्यक्ती )            
 4 Whose  -  कोणाचा ,ची , चे ?  (possessive Adj./pronoun e.g. my,mine)    
 5 Where  -  कोठे ?   ( place ठिकाण )                           
 6 When  -  केंव्हा ?   ( time वेळ )
 7 Why  -  का ? ( reason. कारण Answer begins with because,to,for,due to,since,therefore etc. )           
 8 Which   -   कोणता , ती , ते ?  (things/Adj. वस्तू )
 9 How  -  कसा , कशी , कसे  ?  ( Adj./Adv. विशेषणे / क्रियाविशेषणे )                     
10 How old   -   किती वय ?    ( age वय  )
11 How far    -   किती दूर ?  ( distance अंतर )                        
12 How long   -  किती काळ ? ( time period कालावधी  )
13 How many  -  किती ? (Adj. countable numbers 1,2,3...e.g.- 2 books मोजता येणारे उदा . - )
14 How much  -  किती ?  ( Adj. non countable e.g.- basketful मोजता न येणारे उदा. - पाटीभर )
15 How are you ? / How do you do / feel ?  -  कसे आहात ?   (Adjectives e.g.- fine विशेषणे )
16 By what  -  कशाने ?  ( things e.g. - by bus )
17 With what  -  कशाबरोबर ?  (things e.g. - with water )
18 For what  -  कशासाठी ?   ( reason कारण )  
19 With whom  -  कोणाबरोबर ? ( with + person(Object व्यक्ती )
20 Whence   -  कोठून ?   (= From where? place ठिकाण )   
21 What kind of  -  कोणत्या प्रकारचा , ची , चे ?   ( type / Adj. प्रकार )
               👉   Structure   👈        

Wh. word +  Auxiliary Verb ( H. V. )  +  S  +  Main Verb( M.V.)  +  O / C / A  ? 

 H. V. -  ( सहाय्यकारी  क्रियापद )      am,is,are,was,were,have,has,had,do,does,did,shall,should,will,would,can,could,must,may,might...
S -  Subject ( कर्ता )
M. V. - ( मूळ क्रियापद )
 give, gave, given, decide,decided,decided......... etc.
O - Object ( कर्म )
C - Complement .  ( कर्त्याला व कर्माला पूरक शब्द Cs and Co ) 
A - Adjunct / Adverbial. ( जादाचे शब्द / क्रियाविशषणे )

 Remove Wh. Word you will have Verbal or Yes / No type question. ( Remove - काढून टाकणे )
         👉   Each main verb has do in it. ( प्रत्येक मूळ क्रियापदात do  असते)  👈

(give + do = give.) (give + does = gives.) (give + did  = gave.)(give + done = given.) 
( give + doing = giving)
go  + do = go .   go + does = goes .   go + did  = went .   go + done = gone .  go + doing = going.
                  ✌ ✌    Frame Questions to get highlighted parts as Answers. ✌ ✌
Examples :- 
1) This is my pen .     
⇾  Whose pen is this ?      
 2) She has two books .
⇾  How many books has she ? 
 3) I had dropped him at the school gate.
⇾  Where had you dropped him ? 
4) Janhavi goes to school in the morning.
⇾  When does Janhavi go to school ? 
⇾  Where does Janhavi go in the morning ?
⇾  What does Janhavi do ?
Verble ⧪ ⇾  Does Janhavi go to school in the morning ?
5) They decided to win the race.
⇾  What did they decide ? 
6) Students were studying.
⇾  What were students doing ?
⇾  Who were studying ? 
    ⧪⧪  Thanks for visiting my blog follow Dhanaji Patil by clicking follow  .⧪⧪

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