Thursday, 30 July 2020

Simple Past Tense

   ✍️  Simple Past Tense ✍️  

The action of the sentence, happened in past, is stated in simple past tense. (Verb 2 nd form is used here.)


S  +   +  O / C / A.

Examples :-

1) Janhavi wrote an essay in school.
2) We fought for our rights.
3) Science found corona vaccine
4) He worked in this school.

👉Interrogative / Question

Wh.word +  did + S + M.V. + O /C /A ?

Did +  S + M. V.  +  O/ C/ A ?

       Janhavi wrote an essay in school.
→   What did Janhavi write in school ?
→   Did Janhavi write an essay in school ?
→   Where did Janhavi write an essay ?

Link for more information

👉 Voice.

A.V. - S + V 2 + O/ C/ A.

P. V. - O + was / were + V3 + C / A + by + S.

     Janhavi wrote an essay in school.
→An essay was written in school by Janhavi.

Link for more information


S + did + not + M.V. + O /C /A.

We did  not fight for our rights.

( M. V. -  root verb.)

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Tuesday, 28 July 2020

Present Perfect Continuous Tense

✍️Present Perfect Continuous Tense ✍️

When the action of the sentence is started in far past tense and continues till present tense or has completed in present tense or may continue in future, to show such action,  we use present  perfect continuous tense. Have/has + been+Ving verb pattern is used here.(To have carries the tense, been is perfective aspect and Ving is progressive aspect.)

👉 Assertive

S + have/has + been + Ving + O/C/A.

Examples :-

Janhavi has been writing an essay in school.
We have been fighting for our rights.
Science has been finding vaccine for last two years.
I have been working in this school since 2001.

👉 Interrogative / Question 

Wh.word +  have / has + S + been + V ing + O / C / A ?

Have / Has +  S + been + V ing +  O/ C/ A ?

Janhavi has been writing an essay in school.
 →What has Janhavi  been writing in school ?
→Has Janhavi been writing an essay in school ?
→Where has Janhavi been writing an essay ?

(No change the voice.)

👉 Negative 

S + have / has +  not + been   + V ing + O / C / A.

We have not been fighting for our rights.

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To do - shall do / will do

🌹Todays work form home🌹

To have in future tense - shall do / will do

Person.        Singular               Plural

1st                I shall do.        We shall do
                        मी करेन            आम्ही करू

2nd               You will do.      You will do
                          तु करशील          तुम्ही कराल

3nd               He will do.      They will do
                          तो करेल             ते ,त्या,ती ,
                      She will do.      सर्व करतील
                          ती करेल
                       It will do
                          ते करेल

For Example.

1. I shall do my homework.
2. They will do their homeworks.
3. He will go to school.
4. She will write an essay.

Write the above table into your notebook and prepare your simple sentences.  ( वरील तक्ता  व्याकरण च्या वहीत लिहून घ्या.स्वतःची सोपी उदाहरणे सोडवा.)

Shri D. V. Patil sir,
H. M., Shri BMV, Bhuyewadi.

            🌞🌞Best wishes🌞🌞

        🍬Stay Home, Stay Safe🍬

Monday, 27 July 2020

To do - did

🌹Todays work from home 🌹

To do in past tense - did

Person.        Singular.          Plural

1st.                 I did                We did
                      मी केले                आम्ही केले

2nd              You did.           You did
                     तु केलेस              तुम्ही केले

3rd               He did.           They did.
                     त्याने केले            ते , त्या, ती ,
                     She did.           सर्वांनी केले
                     तीने केले
                     It did.
                     तेने केले

Note -  did is there in all main verbs.

did   + write =  wrote

For Example.

1. I did my homework yesterday.
2. We did our homeworks.
3. He did his homework.
4. She wrote an essay.(did)
5.They went to school.(did)

Write the above table into your notebook and prepare simple sentences of your own.(वरील तक्ता  व्याकरण च्या वहीत लिहून घ्या.स्वतःची सोपी उदाहरणे सोडवा.)

Shri D. V. Patil sir
H. M., Shri BMV, Bhuyewadi.

         🌞🌞Best wishes🌞🌞

    🍬Stay Home, Stay Safe🍬

Saturday, 25 July 2020

To do - do / does.

🌹Todays work from home 🌹

To do in present tense - do  / does

Person.        Singular            Plural

1st.                   I do                  We do
                         मी करतो            आम्ही करतो

2nd                 You do.           You do
                        तु करतोस           तुम्ही करता

3rd                 He does.          They do.
                       तो करतो              ते , त्या, ती ,
                       She does.         सर्व करतात
                       ती करते
                       It does.
                       ते करते

Note - do is there in all main verbs.

do   +   write =  write
does +  write = writes

For Example.

1. I do my homework..
2. We do our homeworks.
3. He does his homework.
4. She writes an essay.(does)
5.They go to school.(do)

Write above table into your notebook and prepare your own simple sentences. (वरील तक्ता  व्याकरण च्या वहीत लिहून घ्या.स्वतःची सोपी उदाहरणे सोडवा.)

Shri D. V. Patil sir,
H. M., Shri BMV, Bhuyewadi.

            🌞🌞Best wishes🌞🌞

      🍬Stay Home, Stay Safe🍬

Friday, 24 July 2020

To have - shall have / will have

     🌹Todays work from home🌹

To have in future tense - shall have / will have

Person     Singular           Plural

1st.        I shall have     We shall have
           माझ्याजवळअसेल  आमच्याजवळअसेल

2nd.      You will have.    You will have
             तुझ्याजवळअसेल       तुमच्याजवळअसेल

3rd.       He will have     They will have
             त्याच्याजवळअसेल      ते ,त्या,ती ,
             She will have.    सर्वांजवळअसेल
             तीच्या जवळ असेल
             It will have
             तेच्या जवळ असेल

For Example.

1. I shall have a blue pen.
2. They will have a cat.
3. He will have a good time.

 Write the above table into your notebook and prepare your own simple sentences.(वरील तक्ता  व्याकरण च्या वहीत लिहून घ्या.स्वतःची सोपी उदाहरणे सोडवा.)

Shri D.V. Patil sir ,
H. M., Shri BMV, Bhuyewadi.

          🌞🌞Best wishes🌞🌞

     🍬Stay Home, Stay Safe🍬

Thursday, 23 July 2020

To have - had

🌹Today's work from home🌹

To have in past tense - had

Person.         Singular.            Plural

1st                  I had.                 We had
                माझ्या जवळ होते        आमच्या जवळ होते

2nd               You had.            You had
                तुझ्या जवळ होते           तुमच्या जवळ होते

3rd               He had.               They had
               त्याच्या जवळ होते          ते , त्या, ती ,
                    She had.              सर्वां जवळ होते
               तीच्या जवळ होते
                    It had
               तेच्या जवळ होते

For Example.

1. I had a blue pen.
2. We had a dog.
3. He had a good time.

 Write the above table into your notebook and prepare your own simple sentences.(वरील तक्ता  व्याकरण च्या वहीत लिहून घ्या.स्वतःची सोपी उदाहरणे सोडवा.)

Shri D. V. Patil sir,
H.M., Shri BMV, Bhuyewadi.

             🌞🌞Best wishes🌞🌞

          🍬Stay Home, Stay Safe🍬

Perfect Present Tense

  ✍️Perfect Present Tense✍️

We use this tense when the action is said to be completed in present tense. Present forms of  To have  V3   pattern of verb is used here. To have carries the tense while V3  is perfective aspect.

( क्रिया वर्तमान काळात पूर्ण झालेली आहे. V3 means मराठीत क्रियापदाला _लेला, _लेली, _लेले, _लेल्या  प्रत्येय. उदा. - given - दिलेला, दिलेली, दिलेले, दिलेल्या  etc.)
 I have gone to school.( मी शाळेला गेलेलो आहे .)

👉 Assertive -

S + have / has + V3 ( verb 3 rd form) +  O / C / A.

Examples -

Janhavi has written an essay in school.
Science has found  corona vaccine.
We have fought for our rights.
I have given his pen.

👉 Interrogative / Question

Wh.word + have / has. + S +  V3 + O / C / A ?

Have / Has. + S +  V3 + O / C / A ?

Janhavi has written an essay in school.

Where has Janhavi written an essay ?

Has Janhavi written an essay in school.?

Link for more information
Frame Wh.question

👉 Voice

A. V. - S + have / has + V3  +  O / C / A.

P. V. - O + have / has + been + V3 + C / A + by + S.

Janhavi has written an essay in school.
An essay has been written in school by Janhavi.

I have given his pen.
His pen has been given by me.

Link for more information
Change the voice 
👉 Negative

S + have / has + not + V3 +  O / C / A.

We have not fought for our rights.

🌹Thank you for visiting.🌹

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

To have - have / has

 To have -  जवळ असणे/मालकीचे असणे.

To have  in present tense - have / has

Person        Singular              Plural

1st.               I have.              We have
              माझ्या जवळ आहे   आमच्या जवळआहे

2nd             You have.          You have
               तुझ्या जवळ आहे    तुमच्या जवळ आहे

3rd.            He has.            They have
                त्याच्या जवळ आहे     ते , त्या, ती ,
                   She has                 सर्वां जवळ आहे
               तीच्या जवळ आहे
                   It has
               तेच्या जवळ आहे

For Example.

1. I have a blue pen.(माझ्याजवळ एक निळा पेन आहे.)
2. We have a dog.
3. He has a good time.

 Write the above table into your notebook and prepare your own simple sentences.( वरील तक्ता  व्याकरण च्या वहीत लिहून घ्या.स्वतःची सोपी उदाहरणे सोडवा.)

Shri D. V. Patil sir,
H. M. , Shri BMV, Bhuyewadi.

🌞🌞Best wishes🌞🌞

🍬Stay Home, Stay Safe🍬

Tuesday, 21 July 2020

To be - shall be/ will be.

🌹Today's work from home🌹

To be in future tense - shall be / will be

Person           Singular              Plural

1st.                 I shall be.        We shall be
                        मी असेन .             आम्ही असू.

2nd.              You will be       You will be
                        तु असशील           तुम्ही असाल

3rd.               He will be.        They will be
                       तो असेल               ते , त्या, ती ,
                     She will be         सर्व असतील
                      ती असेल
                     It will be
                      ते असेल

For Example.

1. I shall be a good doctor.
2. She will be a brave student.
3. It will be a big tree.

Write down above table into your notebook and prepare your own sentences.( वरील तक्ता  व्याकरण च्या वहीत लिहून घ्या.स्वतःची सोपी उदाहरणे सोडवा.)

Shri D. V. Patil sir,
H. M. , Shri BMV, Bhuyewadi.

🌞🌞Best wishes🌞🌞

🍬Stay Home, Stay Safe🍬

To be - was/ were.

🌹Today's work from home🌹

To be in past tense - was / were

Person       Singular              Plural

1st                I was.              We were
                     मी होतो              आम्ही होतो

2nd              You were.       You were
                      तु होतास              तुम्ही होता

3rd               He was.        They were
                     तो होता              ते , त्या, ती ,
                    She was            सर्व होते
                     ती होती
                     It was
                      ते होते

For Example.

1. I was a little boy.
2. We were students.
3. It was beautiful garden.

Write the above table into your notebook and prepare your own simple sentences.(  वरील तक्ता  व्याकरण च्या वहीत लिहून घ्या.स्वतःची सोपी उदाहरणे सोडवा.)

Shri D. V. Patil sir,
H. M., Shri BMV, Bhuyewadi.

🌞🌞Beat wishes🌞🌞

🍬Stay Home, Stay Safe🍬

To be - am/is/are

🌹Today's work from home🌹

To be in present tense - am / is / are.

Person.     Singular          Plural

    1st            I am.               We are
                    मी आहे              आम्ही आहोत

   2 nd         You are.          You are
                    तु आहेस              तुम्ही आहात

   3rd           He is.               They are
                    तो आहे                 ते , त्या, ती ,
                    She is                सर्व आहेत
                    ती आहे
                    It is
                    ते आहे

For Example.

1. I am a good boy.
2. We are students.
3. He is my nice friend.

Write the above table into your notebook and create your simple sentencesby c( वरील तक्ता  व्याकरण च्या वहीत लिहून घ्या.स्वतःची सोपी उदाहरणे सोडवा.)

Click here for watching the video of above topic.
(व्हिडिओ पाहण्यासाठी वरील निळ्या अक्षरांवर क्लिक करा)

Shri D. V. Patil sir,
Head Master, Shri BMV, Bhuyewadi.

🌞🌞Best wishes🌞🌞

🍬Stay Home, Stay Safe🍬

Continuous Present Tense

✍️ Continuous Present Tense ✍️

This tense is used to show the action which is going on in present or an action happening at the moment of speaking. (वर्तमान काळात क्रिया सुरु आहे.

We are learning English grammar.
 ( आम्ही इंग्रजी व्याकरण शिकत आहोत )

To be's forms ( am,is, are)carry the tense i.e. present.

V ing  is progressive aspect. ( Action is going on)

L👉 Assertive / Statement 

S + am / is / are + V ing + O / C / A . 

ing  suffix  to the main verb means  त  in मराठी . 

Examples :- 
Janhavi is writing an essay in school.
We are going to school.
He is speaking English.
Amol is cutting an apple.

👉  Interrogative / Question 

1 Wh.word +  am / is / are + S +  V ing + O / C / A ?

2  Am / Is / Are + S +  V ing + O / C / A ?

Examples :- 
Janhavi is writing an essay in school.
→What is Janhavi writing in school ?
Is Janhavi writing an essay in school ?

We are going to school.
→ Where are we going ?
→ Are we  going to school ?

Link - For more information 
Frame Wh.question

👉   Voice  ( Active / Passive )

A. V.- + am / is / are V ing + O / C / A . 

P. V. - O   +  am / is / are + being + V 3 + C / A + by + S .

Eexample :-
Janhavi is writing an essay in school.
→ An essay is being written in school by Janhavi.
Amol is cutting an apple.
→ An apple is being cut by Amol.

Link - For more information.
Change the voice 

👉  Negative 

+ am / is / are  + not V ing + O / C / A . 

Janhavi is not writing an essay in school.

            💛💛 Thank You 💛💛

Monday, 20 July 2020

Simple Present Tense

  ✍️Simple Present Tense✍️ 

Simple present tense is used to show things such as  'Events that happen on regular basis , presentation of past event,  rules in Science, universal truths' etc.( नित्य नियमित घडणाऱ्या घटना , भूतकाळातील घटनांचे सादरीकरण , विज्ञानातील नियम , त्रिकालाबाधित सत्य विधाने इ दर्शवणेसाठी हा काळ वापरतात.)

👉  Assertive / statement 
 S + V ( First Form ) ( s / es) + O / C / A.

Examples ;-
Janhavi writes an essay in school. 
The Earth moves round the Sun.
Children like chocolates.

When the subject of the sentence is third person singular ( e.g.- He, She,It. Ram. Sita ) , add  s / es suffix to the verb. 

i.e. I go to school. but
     He goes to school. 

👉  Interrogative / Question

1 Wh.word + do / does + S + M V +  O/C/A ? 

2 Do / Does + S + M V +  O/C/A ? 

Examples ;-
 Janhavi writes an essay in school.
Ans →Where does Janhavi write an essay?
            Does Janhavi write an essay in school?

👉  Voice ( Active and Passive )

A.V.  S + V ( First Form ) ( s / es) + O / C / A.

P.V.   O +  am / is / are + V 3 ( Third Form ) +  C / A  + by + S.

Examples ;-

A.V. - Janhavi writes an essay in school.
P.V. -  An essay is written in school by Janhavi.

👉  Negative  

   S + do / does + not  + M V +  O/C/A .

Examples ;-

I do not go to school.
He does not go to school.

Links:- click for more information.
1 Frame Wh,question.
2 Change the voice.

💚 Thank you.Try to create your own sentences,💚


Tuesday, 7 July 2020

As soon as,No sooner...than and Hardly had...when

💛Use -As soon as,No sooner...than and Hardly had...when💛

The examples of above type of grammar are 'Adverbial clause of time'. They are time related sentences. ( वरील प्रकारची वाक्ये वेळेशी संबंधीत उपवाक्ये आहेत ) We find very less time in between two incidents. 

👉 Remove time related words given in the sentences.( वाक्यातील वेळेशी संबंधित शब्द काढून टाकावेत) .
For example - suddenly,immediately,instantly, soon,too, at the same time, when,then, at that moment,at once, almost, at almost, just then, as , as soon as, no sooner...than, Hardly....when etc.

Structures :- 

👉 1) As soon as 

As soon as + First sentence ( having first action/incident)+ , ( comma)  +  second sentence ( 2 nd action). ( As soon as  + पहिली क्रिया असणारे वाक्य + स्वल्पविराम + २ री क्रिया असणारे वाक्य ) 

 e.g.- As she noticed him. She lost her temper. 
   →  As soon as she noticed him, she lost her temper.    
        I went out suddenly the rain started.
→   As soon as I went out, the rain started.  

👉 2)  No sooner................than

  No sooner + H. V. + S +  M. V. + O/C/A ( First sentence) + than + 2 nd sentence.

e.g.  - As she noticed him. She lost her temper. 
       - As soon as she noticed himshe lost her temper.
→  NO sooner did she notice him than she lost her temper..

     - I went out suddenly the rain started.
    - As soon as I went outthe rain started.
NO sooner did I go out than the rain started.

 -  Students had finished their prayers..Immediately they sat for study.
  - As soon as students had finished their prayers , they sat for study.
No sooner had students finished their prayers than they sat for study.

👉 3)  Hardly had................when

 Hardly had + S +  3 rd form of V + Remaining sentence of  first action + when 2 nd sentence. ( Past perfect tense in subordinate clause )

     - As she noticed him. She lost her temper. 
     - As soon as she noticed himshe lost her temper.Nosooner did she notice him than she lost her temper..
Hardly had she noticed him when she lost her temper.
 - I went out suddenly the rain started.
- As soon as I went outthe rain started.
- No sooner did go out than the rain started.
Hardly had I gone out when  the rain started.

 - Students had finished their prayers..Immediately they sat for study.
- As soon as students had finished their prayers they sat for study.
-No sooner had students finished their prayers than they sat for study.
 Hardly had students finished their prayers when they sat for study

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