💛💛 Use :- 'to be going to' / 'shall' / 'will' 💛 💛
➤➤ 'to be going to' shows future action.
⧪⧪ shall / will = am / is / are + going to. ⧪⧪
Remove 'shall' / 'will' from sentence and use ' am / is / are going to .
- वाक्यातील shall' / 'will' शब्द काढून त्या जागी , कर्त्यानुसार , 'am / is /are going to ' वापरावे.
- 'going to' नंतरचे verb present form मध्ये असायला हवे.
- वाक्यात continuous present tense असतो पण हि रचना वापरून भविष्य काळातील क्रिया दर्शविता येते .
Examples :-
- Janhavi will study regularly.
- We shall win the one day series.
- I shall get very good marks in this exam.
Ans.→I am going to get very good marks in this exam.
- You will be a good human being in future.
- He will wait for you there. Ans.→ He is going to wait for you there.
- They will buy books and notebooks.
- Ans.→They are going to buy books and notebooks.
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Good creation
Keep it up
Thank you, Jadhav sir.
Nice sir, again I get a nice chance to guide me .
Thank you so much.
very nice work , Sir ..
Very nice sir
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