Thursday, 14 March 2019

Use - Though / Although

👉  Use -  Though Although 👈

  • Begin the sentence with  Though Although.
  • Remove but from sentence. 
  • Use comma ( ) in place of  but
The sentence having Though Although is  Adverbial clause of contrastThere is contrast in meaning  between the two sentences.( दोन वाक्यांमध्ये विरोधाभास असतो.)

Examples :-

          The bulls are tired . They are pulling the cart.                                                                            
Ans →The bulls are tired but they are pulling the cart.
Ans →Although  the bulls are tired , they are pulling the cart.

  • It is really difficult work but I enjoy it.
Ans →Although it is really difficult work I enjoy it.
  • It is small but exceedingly beautiful .
Ans →Though it is small , it is exceedingly beautiful.
  • I advised her many times but she did not listen to me.
Ans Though I advised her many times , she did not listen to me.

 ⧫⧫ For using but :- Remove Though / Although and use but in between the two sentences. ⧫⧫                                                                                                             Though the students are tired they are studying .                                  
Ans The students are tired but they are studying.      

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Sunday, 3 March 2019

Use :- to be going to /shall / will

💛💛 Use :- 'to be going to' / 'shall' / 'will' 💛 💛

➤➤ 'to be going to' shows future action. 

⧪⧪ shall / will am / is / are + going to

Remove 'shall' / 'will' from sentence and use am / is / are going to .  

  1.  वाक्यातील  shall' / 'will' शब्द  काढून त्या जागी , कर्त्यानुसार ,  'am / is /are going  to ' वापरावे
  2. 'going to' नंतरचे  verb present form मध्ये असायला हवे. 
  3. वाक्यात continuous present tense असतो पण  हि रचना वापरून भविष्य काळातील क्रिया दर्शविता येते .  
Examples :-

  • Janhavi will study regularly.  
Ans.→ Janhavi is going to study regularly.  
  • We shall win the one day series.
Ans.→We  are going  to win the one day series.
  • I shall get very good marks in this exam.
Ans.→I am going to get very good marks in this exam.
  • You will be a good human being in future. 
Ans.→You are going to be a good human being in future. 
  • He will wait for you there.                                                                                                     Ans.→ He is going to wait for you there.
  • They will buy books and notebooks.
  • Ans.→They are going to buy books and notebooks.

₹₹ Find out more examples from coursebooks, textbooks and other study material.


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Saturday, 2 March 2019

Modal Auxiliary - 'must' / 'have to'

⏩⏩ Use - 'must' / 'have to'⏪⏪


            Rotate your mobile for full view of sentences
➤'Must ' or 'have to' shows obligation or necessity( वरील व्याकरणची रचना बंधनकारकता दर्शविते. )
             must = have to / has to / had to .

Use must in place of  have to / has to / had to . have to / has to / had to काढून त्या जागी must लिहावे)
For negative sentence use mustn't. ( वाक्यात नकार असल्यास  'mustn't' वापरावे. )
 Use have to / has to / had to in place of   must.must काढून त्या जागी have to / has to / had to  लिहावे)

         Examples :-
  • We have to be friendly with animals.           
Ans. ⇾ We must be friendly with animals.                                 
  • He has to study hard as the exams are near.
Ans. ⇾ He must  study hard as the exams are near.
  • Everybody has to drink milk.
Ans.⇾ Everybody must drink milk.
  • You have to wear warm clothes in winter.
Ans.⇾ You must  wear warm clothes in winter.
If the sentence begins with - It is necessary for , remove these words . 
(It is necessary for काढून  टाकणे )
Change the object into subject . eg.- me - I, us -We, you -You , him -He, her-She, them - They etc. 
( for नंतर येणाऱ्या कर्माचे कर्त्यात रूपांतर करावे.) 
And in place of to ( infinitive) use must. ( क्रियापदापूर्वी येणाऱ्या to  च्या जागी must लिहा.)
  • It is necessary for him to eat healthy food.
Ans.He must eat healthy food.
  • It is not necessary for them to waste their time.
Ans. They mustn't waste their time.
  Find out more examples for practise from course books, text books and other related books and learn the use. 
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