Friday, 7 April 2023

English Sentance. Question

 English Sentance - Interrogative/ Question.

There are two types of interrogative sentence. 1) Wh. Question and 2) Verbal Question ( Yes/No type). ( प्रश्नार्थी वाक्याचे दोन प्रकार आहेत १) Wh. शब्दांनी सुरू होणारे प्रश्न आणि २)  सहाय्यकारी क्रियापदाने सुरू होणारे प्रश्न किंवा एस ज्याचे उत्तर होय/ नाही असते असे प्रश्न.)

Structure :- 

1.Wh. word + H. V. + S. + M. V. + O/C/A ?

( Wh शब्द + सहाय्यकारी क्रियापद + कर्ता + मूळ क्रियापद + वाक्यातील इतर शब्द ( कर्म वगैरे) ? ) 

Where are you going?

What is your name?

Which is your pen?

Where do you live?

Who is your best friend?

Saturday, 3 September 2022

✍️ Not only....but also.

 ✍️ Not only....but also.

This co-ordinating conjunction is used to join two words, phrases, or sentences of the same class but different meaning. ( Not only....but also चा वापर एकाच जातीच्या पण भिन्न अर्थाच्या शब्दांना, शब्दसमूहांना किंवा वाक्यांना जोडण्यासाठी केला जातो.)

💁Structure - 

Not only + S + but also + S + V + O/C/A. 

For example - 

Not only Sachin but also Rahul played cricket.

💁Structure - 

S + not only + V +but also+ V + O/C/A.

For example -

They not only give but also take respect.

💁Structure - 

S + Vnot only + O + but also + O/C/A.

Raju writes not only a letter but also an essay in school.

 💁If the sentence has  words like - or, and, as well as, also, but only, both... and ,we have to remove them.(वाक्यात or, and, as well as, also, but only, both... and असे शब्द असतील तर काढून टाकावेत.)

💁 Sentences, having not only... but also, are the examples of compound Sentences (संयुक्त वाक्य).

✍️Electricity runs our trains and moves our machines.

Ans.- Electricity not only runs our trains but also moves our machines.

👍Find out more examples from other sources and solve them.👍 


💛🌹🌴Thank you🌴🌹💛

Tuesday, 23 August 2022

✍️ Make it exclamatory.

  ✍️ Make it exclamatory.

We can convert assertive or statement into exclamatory

👉 Begin the sentence  with What or How. ( उद्गारवाचक वाक्याची सुरुवात What किंवा How ने करावी.)

👉  If the sentence has a/an article in O/C/A, use  What. If articles are not seen in O/C/A, begin the exclamatory sentence with How. (विधानार्थी वाक्यात क्रियापदनंतर जर a/an उपपदे  असतील तर उद्गारवाचक वाक्याची सुरुवात What ने करावी. आणि नसतील तर How ने करावी.)

👉 Use What / How in place of adverb which is used to show extremity and are in O/C/A.(विधानार्थी वाक्यातील क्रियापदानंतर येणाऱ्या तीव्रता दर्शक क्रियाविशेषणाच्या जागी What / How वापरावे. e.g. very, extremely, really, great, immensely etc. )

👉 After that write all O/C/A ( last part of the sentence) ( त्यानंतर O/C/A लिहावे.)

👉 Then write subject and verb and give exclamatory mark at the end. ( मग कर्ता आणि क्रियापद लिहून शेवटी उद्गारवाचक चिन्ह द्यावे.)

Assertive - S + V + ( a/an) Adv. + O/C/A.

Exclamatory - What/How + O/C/A + S + V + ! .

For Example.

1) Janhvi is a very clever girl.                           Ans. -What a clever girl Janhvi is !

2) You are very hungry.                                            Ans.  -How hungry you are!        

3) Gaganbawda is extremely cold.                          Ans. - How cold Gaganbawda is !

Exclamations are used to show sudden feelings.Solve more examples from other sources.

     🎊🎊🌹🌹❤️ Thank you ❤️🌹🌹🎊🎊


Sunday, 21 August 2022

✍️Make it exclamatory.

 ✍️ Make it exclamatory.

We can convert assertive or statement into exclamatory

👉 Begin the sentence  with What or How. ( उद्गारवाचक वाक्याची सुरुवात What किंवा How ने करावी.)

👉  If the sentence has a/an article in O/C/A, use  What. If articles are not seen in O/C/A, begin the exclamatory sentence with How. (विधानार्थी वाक्यात क्रियापदनंतर जर a/an उपपदे  असतील तर उद्गारवाचक वाक्याची सुरुवात What ने करावी. आणि नसतील तर How ने करावी.)

👉 Use What / How in place of adverb which is used to show extremity and are in O/C/A.(विधानार्थी वाक्यातील क्रियापदानंतर येणाऱ्या तीव्रता दर्शक क्रियाविशेषणाच्या जागी What / How वापरावे. e.g. very, extremely, really, great, immensely etc. )

👉 After that write all O/C/A ( last part of the sentence) ( त्यानंतर O/C/A लिहावे.)

👉 Then write subject and verb and give exclamatory mark at the end. ( मग कर्ता आणि क्रियापद लिहून शेवटी उद्गारवाचक चिन्ह द्यावे.)

Assertive - S + V + ( a/an) Adv. + O/C/A.

ExclamatoryWhat/How + O/C/A + S + V + ! .

For Example.

1) Janhvi is a very clever girl.                          Ans. -What a clever girl Janhvi is !

2) You are very hungry.                                        Ans.  -How hungry you are!        

3) Gaganbawda is extremely cold.                    Ans. - How cold Gaganbawda is !

Exclamations are used to show sudden feelings.Solve more examples from other sources.

     🎊🎊🌹🌹❤️ Thank you ❤️🌹🌹🎊🎊


Thursday, 24 March 2022

✍️Imperative sentence./ Do's and don'ts.

 ✍️Imperative sentence / Do's and Don'ts.

It's also called order. There are two types of imperative. One is positive imperative ( होकारार्थी आज्ञार्थी) and other is negative imperative (नकारार्थीआज्ञार्थी) . We can convert imperative into request ( विनंती) by adding word please to the imperative.

For Example - 

💁Positive imperative. ( Do's )

Structure -

        V1 + O/C/A. ( V1 - root verb) 

1) Open your books.

Please, open your books. ( Request) 

2) Catch the ball.

3) Bring me a glass of water.

💁Negative imperative. ( Don'ts )

Structure - 

           Don't + V1 + O/C/A.

For Example - 

1) Don't open your books.

Please, don't open your books. ( Request) 

2) Don't catch the ball.

3) Don't bring me a glass of water.

 It'simportant for solving writing skill activity - information transfer - Make Do's and Don'ts chart. 

For Example - 

Rangpanchmi / Holi.

💁Use natural colours for playing holi.

💁 Protect your eyes and nose and mouth and ears from colours.

💁 Apply coconut oil on your body before playing holi.

💁 Maintain peace.

💁 Remember we belong to a rich culture.

💁 Don't play holi in crowded places.

💁 Don't go out if you are ill.

💁 Don't trouble the student, aged and workman.

💁 Don't remain wet for a long time. 

✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️🌿 Thank you. Do Share. 🌿✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️

Tuesday, 22 March 2022

✍️Adverbial clause of reason.

✍️ Adverbial clause of reason.✍️

These sentences shows the reason (कारण). It begins with because, since, as etc. 

For Example -

✍️ Students are working hard because their exam is near.

✍️ As it is raining, she is late.

✍️  He could not study because he was ill.

✍️ I play because I like playing.

✍️ I met his mother science he was not at home.

These subordinate clauses are the answers of Why?

Why are students working hard?

✍️✍️✍️✍️🌴🌴🌿🌿 Thank you 🌴🌴🌿🌿✍️✍️✍️✍️

✍️Do's and don'ts - Rangpanchmi


✍️Do's and don'ts✍️

💁Use natural colours for playing holi.

💁Protect eyes and nose and  mouth and ears from colours.

💁 Apply coconut oil on your body before playing holi.

💁 Maintain peace.

💁 Remember - We belong to a rich culture.

💁 Don't play in crowded places.

💁 Don't go out if you are ill.

💁 Don't trouble the student, aged and workman.

💁 Don't remain wet for a long time. 

🌹🙏Thank you. Have a nice day.🌹🙏

With regards. 🙏

Shri D V Patil sir.

H.M Shri BMV Bhuyewadi Karvir, Kolhapur.

Sunday, 20 March 2022

✍️Adverbial clause of place.

  ✍️Adverbial clause of place.✍️

It shows place(ठिकाण)in a sentence. It is the answer of Where? So it is called adverbial clause of place. It begins with words like where, whereas, wherever, whence etc. ( वाक्यातील ठिकाण दर्शविणारे उपवाक्य.)  

S + V + O/C/A.

For Example - 

👉 I go wherever I find something interesting.

👉 Where there is a will, there is a way.

✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️🌹🌿 Thank you🌿🌹✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️

🌴🌴🌴🌳🌳🌳🌿 Do Share 🌿🌳🌳🌳🌴🌴🌴

Friday, 18 March 2022

✍️ Degrees of Comparison -1


✍️Degrees of Comparison ✍️

1) Positive to Comparative and Comparative to Positive.

It is comparison between two nouns. 

Structures -

S + V + as (so) + adjective + as + O.

O + V + (more ) + adjective + er + than + S.

💁 Change the places of nouns which are compared.

💁Then change the verb according to the subject if necessary.

💁If the question is positive use not in the answer. If negative remove not.

💁 As adjective as is  changed into than or more adjective than.

For example -

1) Sameer is as tall as Raju.

 -Raju is not taller than Sameer.

2) This garden is not as beautiful as that garden.

- That garden is more beautiful than this garden.

✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️🌹 Thank you 🌹✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️

💁💁💁💁💁 Do share..

✍️As soon as

 ✍️As soon as✍️

The examples of above type of grammar are 'Adverbial clause of time'. They are time related sentences. ( वरील प्रकारची वाक्ये वेळेशी संबंधीत उपवाक्ये आहेत.) 

👉 Remove time related words given in the sentences.( वाक्यातील वेळेशी संबंधित शब्द काढून टाकावेत) .

For example - suddenly,immediately,instantly, soon,too, at the same time, when,then, at that moment,at once, almost, at almost, just then, as , as soon as, no sooner...than, Hardly....when etc.


As soon as + First sentence(having first action/incident)+,(comma) + second sentence. ( 2nd action).

( As soon as + पहिली क्रिया असणारे वाक्य + स्वल्पविराम + २ री क्रिया असणारे वाक्य. ) We find very less time in between two incidents.

For Example -

1) As she noticed him. She lost her temper. 

   → As soon as she noticed him, she lost her temper.    


2)I went out suddenly the rain started.

As soon as I went out, the rain started.  

✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️🌹Thank you 🌹✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️