✍️Imperative sentence / Do's and Don'ts.
It's also called order. There are two types of imperative. One is positive imperative ( होकारार्थी आज्ञार्थी) and other is negative imperative (नकारार्थीआज्ञार्थी) . We can convert imperative into request ( विनंती) by adding word please to the imperative.
For Example -
💁Positive imperative. ( Do's )
Structure -
V1 + O/C/A. ( V1 - root verb)
1) Open your books.
Please, open your books. ( Request)
2) Catch the ball.
3) Bring me a glass of water.
💁Negative imperative. ( Don'ts )
Structure -
Don't + V1 + O/C/A.
For Example -
1) Don't open your books.
Please, don't open your books. ( Request)
2) Don't catch the ball.
3) Don't bring me a glass of water.
It'simportant for solving writing skill activity - information transfer - Make Do's and Don'ts chart.
For Example -
Rangpanchmi / Holi.
💁Use natural colours for playing holi.
💁 Protect your eyes and nose and mouth and ears from colours.
💁 Apply coconut oil on your body before playing holi.
💁 Maintain peace.
💁 Remember we belong to a rich culture.
💁 Don't play holi in crowded places.
💁 Don't go out if you are ill.
💁 Don't trouble the student, aged and workman.
💁 Don't remain wet for a long time.
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