Reading skill

       ✍️  Reading skill✍️


             We know the four skills of English language. They are listening and speaking, reading and writing. Listening helps speaking and reading helps writing. 

             Here we will see several things about reading.  That means what do we mean by reading? Reading is an active process. It involves several stages at the word level and comprehension level. The following points can be useful to develop the reading skill 

1) Pronunciation

         Pronunciation is an integral part of reading. We have to look at the printed text for reading.We remember the letters by their shapes. As letters are involved in the word, we translate the letters into sound units to be pronounced. The smallest unit of language is phoneme e.g. -  /p/ in Patil. We relate groups of letters to sound and not to single letter e.g. /patil/. English alphabets have a more consistent sound value within the same letter group. e.g. - compare the sound of the letter  'a'  in    car   call     ca

There are 44 sounds in English for 26 alphabets. They are further classified as 24 consonants and 20 vowels. (12 pure vowels and 8 diphthongs.) 

2) Prediction 

               We infer meaning from selected words and make predictions of what we expect to find.  As we read we confirm or disconfirm our predictions by using our knowledge of the words and the text. It is done subconsciously asking what we know about the subject matter. This makes it easier to see what is new and what we already know about the text. This action is called cognitive strategies.

3) Comprehension

               Reading is comprehending from written text. It doesn't mean recognising each and every word. It is  meaning making and not word decoding. A good reader need not understand all the words or all the sentences of a text to comprehend it. The previous knowledge and experience can also be helpful for constructing the meaning of the text. We need to pay attention for main theme , arthur's attitude or tone, specific information, understanding arguments, structures and techniques, understanding words in context and so on. 


               Reading involves letter and word recognition, contextual meaning of words, recognition of sound value of words, syntatic ( structure of sentence) and semantic ( meaning) of words or sentences. Everyone reads with some kind of purpose in mind. We read either for enjoyment or for obtaining the information. Accurate and efficient reading can be called as effective reading.



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