Monday, 13 September 2021
✍️Perfect Future tense
Saturday, 11 September 2021
✍️Continuous Future tense.
👉 Continuous Future tense.
We use this tense when the action will be continuing in future i.e. something will occur in future and continue in it. ( एखादी क्रिया भविष्यकाळात सुरू असेल. उदा. आम्ही शाळेला जात असू.शाळेला जाण्याची क्रिया भविष्यकाळात सुरू आहे)
✍️Assertive/Statement( विधानार्थी वाक्य)
S + shall be/will be+ Ving+ O/C/A.
Janhavi will be going to college.
Raju will be writing an essay in school.
You will be giving your precious contribution.
✍️ Interrogative/Question ( प्रश्नार्थक वाक्य)
1)WH question.
2) Verbal question / yes - no type.
1)Wh. word + shall/will + S + be + Ving + O/C/A?
2)Shall/Will + S + be + Ving + O/C/A?
Janhavi will be going to college.
1)Where will janhvi be going?
2)Will Jhanvi be going to college?
Raju will be writing an essay in school.
1)What will Raju be writing in school?
2)Will Raju be writing an essay in school?
✍️ Change the voice.( प्रयोग बदला)
1) Active voice.
2) Passive voice.
1)S + shall/will + be + Ving + O/C/A.
2)O + shall/will + be + being+ V.P.P.( V3) + C/A + by + S.
1)Raju will be writing an essay in school.
2)An essay will be being written in school by Raju.
1)You will be giving your precious contribution.
2) Your precious contribution will be being given by you.
✍️ Negative ( नकारार्थी वाक्य)
S + shall/will+ not (shan't/won't)+ be + Ving + O/C/A.
Raju will not/ won't be writing an essay in school.
We shan't/won't be writing wrong article.
🌺🍭Thank you. Do share🍭🌺