✍️ Clauses ✍️
These examples are of complex type of sentences.
Clause = Sentence. Having at least one subject and predicate.
There are two types of clauses.
1) Main clause. (मुख्य वाक्य) (It has its own meaning.)
2) Subordinate clause.(उप वाक्य) (It depends upon main clause for completion of meaning. It has 3 types.)
1) Main Clause 2) Subordinate Clause
1) Noun Clause.
2) Adjective Clause.
3) Adverbial Clause.
✍️ Noun Clause ✍️
There are 2 types of this clause. 1)'that' type of noun clause and 2)'zero that' type of noun clause. The sentence, which functions as noun in a sentence, is called noun clause. It can be either subject or object of main verb. It is the answer of 'What' ?
S ( S + V + O /C/A) + V + O (S + V + O /C/A) / C/A.
For Example
I know that he is rich.
What do I know?
→ that he is rich. (as object of the main verb know. )
He is rich is known by me.
What is known by me ?
He is rich. ( as subject of the verb phrase is known )
✍️ Adjective Clause✍️ (Non defining clauses / Relative clauses)
The sentence, which gives more information about noun in a sentence, is called adjective clause. It is also called as Non defining clause / Relative clause.Relative clauses are very useful in defining different things or persons or objects. They can help us join two independent sentences by reducing one sentence to a clause. That means we can avoid the repetition of words and phrases.
💁 1) When the subjects of two sentences are different......
💁 2) When the subjects of two sentences are similar.......
S + , + who / which + 2 nd sentence + , + V + O/C/A of 1st sentence
✍️ Adverbial Clause ✍️
These types of sentences function as adverbial in a sentence. They are adverbial clause of time , place, manner, result, condition, contrast , reason etc....
🚣 Adverbial clause of time.
It expresses time(वेळ). This subordinate clause begins with time related words like since, before, when, while, after, as etc. ( वेळ दर्शवणारे क्रियाविशेषणचे उपवाक्य. since, before, when, while, after, as अशा वेळेशी संबंधी शब्दांनी सुरू होतात.)
👉The students will enter the hall when the bell rings.
👉 You can leave the school after you finish your homework.
🚣 Adverbial clause of place.
It describes place(ठिकाण). It begins with words like where, whereas, wherever, whence etc.
👉 I go wherever I find something interesting.
👉 Where there is a will, there is a way.
🚣 Adverbial clause of reason.
These sentences shows the reason (कारण). The begin with because, since, as etc.
👉 Students are working hard because their exam is near.
👉 As it is raining, she is late.
🚣 Adverbial clause of result.
It shows the result (परिणाम) of the action of the main clause. We find the use of so....that / so in such sentences.
👉 The box was so heavy that we couldn't lift it.
👉 We painted the house again, so it now looks as good as new.
🚣 Adverbial clause of manner.
It shows the manner. (वागण्याची पद्धत). This subordinate clause begins with words like as, as if ,as though etc.
👉 Sing this poem as I sing.
👉 She looks, as if she has conquered the whole world.
🚣 Adverbial clause of condition.
It shows condition (अट). For more information visit the topic use if / unless by clicking the tab above. This subordinate clause begins with the words like if, unless etc. Care must be taken while using tense in this clause.
👉 You must sleep less if you want to study hard.
👉 Unless he reads the book, he cannot understand it.
🚣 Adverbial clause of contrast.
It shows the difference in two events or actions facts. Though, although or even if is used to show the contrast ( विरोधाभास) . You can visit the topic by clicking here.
for more information.👍
👉 Though she is tired, she has decided to do it.
👉 Even if you don't like this topic, you would enjoy it.
Adverbial clauses express various different meanings. They function as adjuncts in a sentence. There is logical relationship between the events and actions such as manners , condition, reason, results etc.
Thank you so much.