Saturday, 28 November 2020

✍️May and Might✍️

 ✍️ May and Might ✍️

               May and might can have the similar meaning. Might shows more politeness. We find may is used as in present tense and might in past. These modals are very important. We use them for permission. They add the meanings of possibility, permission, probability to the the main verb in a sentence. May is also used to express wishes. 


May we see the bird?

May I come in?

You may go now. ( You are allowed to go now)

Might I ask you a question? ( More polite)


May shows factual possibilities.

Present possibility

You may get this book at Mehta store.

Past possibility

Ram might have left his book at home.

💁Express wishes

 May god bless you with all happiness.

May his/ her soul rest in peace.


 They may be arriving tomorrow.

He might be away on holiday at the moment.

He might get the job.

                 An auxiliary lacks inherent semantic meaning but instead modifies the meaning of another verb it accompanies.

✍️Thank you very much.......👍

Tuesday, 3 November 2020

Modal auxiliary - shall / should

 ✍️ shall / should ✍️

Shall / should + V1


           We all know shall is rarely used in present English. If we find the rules of old English grammar, we can tell that shall should be used with first person singular and plural ( I and We) subjects. In present day will is used commonly in place of shall. But shall is used formally. Let's see the use of shall. It adds prediction, intention, suggestion etc. to the main verb.

1) prediction

I / We shan't be a part of it.

2) intention

I / We shall do it.

We shall finish it.

3) suggestions 

Shall we visit Jyotiba temple this evening?


            Should and ought to should be learnt together because they are quite similar in meaning. The meaning added by them to the main verb is obligation, logical probability , desirability etc.


We should or ought to be more careful.

You should / ought to see a doctor.

2) logical probability

He should / ought to have been here by now.

3) desirability

You should / ought to read the book for more information.

          Do concentrate on the modal auxiliaries and what meanings they add to the main verb while reading. Thank you......