Tuesday, 29 September 2020


      ✍️ Articles.(उपपदे)✍️

There are two articles in English the definite article(निश्चितता वाचक उपपद) and the indefinite article(अनिश्‍चितता वाचक उपपद). The definite article is the the and the indefinite article is a or an.

Pronunciation.   ( उच्चार )

The pronunciation of both the definite and indefinite articles depend on the initial sound ( pronunciation and not spelling) of the following word. (उपपदाचे उच्चार त्यांच्या नंतर येणाऱ्या शब्दांच्या सुरुवातीच्या अक्षराच्या उच्चारावर अवलंबून असतात)

Consonants ( व्यंजन) - 24.

Vowels (स्वर) - 20. (12 pure and 8 diphthongs)

(/ a// e// i// o// u/  generally we use these)


💁 Definite article - the

It is used before all kinds of definite nouns except the most proper nouns.

Before consonants - /da/.( /द/) the man.

Before vowels sounds - /di/ (/दी/) the earth.

Uses - 

1.Before only one thing .

The moon, the sun , the South pole, the north pole etc.

2. Before superlative degrees.

The best, the most, the highest etc.

3. Before religious books.

The Bhagwat Geeta, the Ramayana, the Iliad , the Odyssey etc.

4. Before ordinal numbers.

The first, the second, the third etc.

5. Before the names of sea, ocean, desert, rivers etc.

The Arabian sea, the thar desert, the Ganga etc.

 💁 Indefinite article - a or an

It is used before indefinite countable singular common nouns.( मोजता येणार्‍या एक वचनी सामान्य नामापूर्वी)

Before consonants - /eI/ or /a/( /ए//अ/)

 a mango , a pen , a hat , 

Before the vowels - /an/ or /xn/(/अन/ /ॲन/)

an egg , an ugly woman , an honest man

( Don't use articles - before pronoun e.g. I,We, You etc. before uncountable nouns e.g. water, milk etc., before uncountable common nouns e.g. gold, rice, before abstract nouns e.g love, anger etc., before verbs e.g. give, take etc.)


☝️Click the blue link to watch the video.


  💛 Thank you very much.💛

🌺 Try to notice the articles while reading English and learn the use of it.🌺✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️

Monday, 21 September 2020

Degrees of Comparison

 💛 Degrees of Comparison 💛

There are three types of degrees.

Positive degree .

Comparative degree.

Superlative degree.


1. Positive degree. ( as/so + adjective + as)

2. Comparative degree. ((more) Adjective + er + than)

3. Superlative degree. ( the ( most) + adjective + est )

Adjectives are used for comparison as they describe the nouns. 

Root adjective is used in positive degree.

 For monosyllabic words( having one vowel sound) er and est suffixes are used and for bisyllabic, trisyllabic, polysyllabic adjectives more and the most words are used before adjectives respectively in comparative and superlative.

For example - 

Positive      Comparative.     Superlative

Strong           stronger              Strongest

Beautiful    more beautiful      most beautiful

1) Positive to Comparative and Comparative to Positive.

It is comparison between two nouns. 

Positive - Comparative.

S + V + as (so) + adjective + as + O.

O + V + (more ) + adjective + er + than + S.

1) Change the places of nouns which are compared.

2) Then change the verb according to the subject if necessary.

3) if the question is positive use not in the answer. If negative remove not.

4) as adjective as is a changed into er than or more adjective than.

For example -

1) Sameer is as tall as Raju.

 -Raju is not taller than Sameer.

2) This garden is not as beautiful as that garden.

- That garden is more beautiful than this garden.

2 Superlative to Comparative and Positive.

One is compared to many.

 👉 If one of the is there in superlative sentence.


S + V + one of the (most) + Adjective +(est) + O/C/A.


S + V + ( more) + adjective + er +  than most other + O/C/A. 


Very few + O/C/A + V + as adjective as + S.

For example -

1) M S Dhoni is one of the greatest batsmen in the world.

- M S Dhoni is greater than most other batsmen in the world.

 - Very few batsmen in the world are as great as M S Dhoni.

2) It was one of the most difficult questions.

- It was more difficult than most other questions.

- Very few questions were as difficult as it (was).

One of the......est  = ..... er than most other

 .... er than most other = Very few... as.. as

 👉 If  'one of the' is not there in the sentence.


S + V +  the (most) + Adjective +(est) + O/C/A.


S + V + ( more) + adjective + er +  than any other + O/C/A. 


 No other + O/C/A + V + as adjective as +S.

For example -

1) MS Dhoni is  the greatest batsmen in the world.

- M S Dhoni is greater than any other batsmen in the world.

- No other batsmen in the world are as great as MS Dhoni.

2) It was the most difficult questions.

- It was more difficult than any other questions.

- No other questions were as difficult as it (was).

 the(most)......est  = (more) ..... er than any other

 .... er than any other =  no other..... as.... as

These are the examples of  'Adverbial Clause of Comparison'.

✍️ Solve more examples from other sources.✍️

            🌹💛Thank you very much💛🌹

            🌴🌻Stay home, Stay safe🌻🌴